Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Heather and Nathan!!

The other day I was practicing with the camera! I asked my friends Heather and Nathan if I could take a few photos so here is what I got!! I if you recognize the Nathan he is from the last family shoot I did!!! This is him and His girlfriend!! They are SO cute!!

16 things.

The other night I was on facebook, and my friends sent me a note saying that I have to write down 16 things about me! Such as: facts, habits, goals, and memories! so I thought I would share them with you!

1) I randomly dance! even when there is no music! and most anywhere.

2)I hate to eat anything that makes me really thirsty, like cinnimon rolls, large soft pretzels, churros, and so on......

3) when i was little i loved the movie the mask!

4) I love strange food! I have eaten sushi( one of my favs), cows stomach( it is in tripe soup), veal, lamb, lebanese food, and few more things!!! I want to try more wierd food! but i will not eat food that is too spicey or contains any form of bug!!

5)I am an extremely open person!! in most of my life! but i do not comprimise( spelled wrong) my morals!!!

6) I own 25 pairs of shoes( maybe more), and about 32 purses!

7) I love Reeses Pieces with chocolate ice cream!

8) I have a fear of hurting someone elses feelings or saying the wrong thing!! I would rather hurt myself more than someone else.

9) I own my own business of photography!!

10) One of my best friends( elicia) can make laugh hysterically with just a smile, even when she is on the other side of the room.

11) I want to go to figi, ireland, italy, pais, vancover( i am coming jamie, someday),califorina, hawiai, and Nashville( yes i have been there once, but only for a few hours, it was pointless since sarah was not there!!!:)!!

12) I have five animals, one dog, and four cats!!

13)I love tight hugs!! AND giving them!!

14)Thanksgiving is my fav holiday!!! me and my family go to my cousins house, they leave that night and i stay with my cousins for the weekend!! we put up christmas decorations and watch the bondathon the whole weekend! Yes I love james bond!!!

15) I don't have my drivers license, and i will be 18 in december! i will get eventually!!

16) I love country music!!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My girl Rachel!!!!!

Sorry I have not blogged lately!! Life has been a roller coaster lately!! Well a few weeks ago I had a senior shoot with one of my best friends! She is sooo beautiful!! as you can see in the photos!! I love her so so much!! She is an amazing girl! Not only is she gorgeous, she is super sweet, all her friends love her, she can do almost any sport you can think of, and she has a wonderful heart for God!! She can make me laugh for hours!!!! So here is to the girl who makes my world a little bit brighter!!!!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket