About a two and a half months ago it was my birthday!! I turned 18, it was a bit disappointing on my birthday seeing it was four days before Christmas, and normally people tend to forget it! But what did make me happy was that my friend Sarah came in from Nashville that day, and we went to a Thai restaurant!! which was fun!! And we had a bunch of people there! They sang happy birthday, a friend of mine, got the whole restaurant to sing Happy Birthday to me( thanks Jake!) as I blew out the candle on table that is there normally for decor!! It was fun! But sometimes on my birthday I don't feel like it my birthday, simply because no one is normally Thinking about it, they are thinking about Christmas, and new years and such!!! But Just about a month and a half ago!! I was going to celebrate my birthday with my cousins!! The Tschetters!! They were calling it a Vickie Palooza day( which I think should become a national holiday,hehe)!! So we went to one of my fave pizza places Gino's east! And there most of my friends were waiting there for me! To celebrate my birthday!!! Yes, my best cousin Becca, and my mom, planned a surprise party for me!!!!YAY!! I felt so loved and appreciated!! I even started to hyperventilate! but it was all good! so what we did for my 18Th birthday, was ate of coarse, and one of my favorite things!! A PHOTO SHOOT!!!! All around downtown Wheaton!! Here is some pics enjoy!!! some pics are not the greatest! Sorry!

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